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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Re: asking for a bare laptop in Japanese
- Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 19:15:12 +0900
- From: "Gernot Hassenpflug" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Re: asking for a bare laptop in Japanese
"Marty Pauley" <> wrote: >I want to buy a Panasonic laptop without Windoze, so I was going to >email them and ask if it was possible, but I have a problem: 日本語が下手です。 > >So far all I have written is: > >レッツノートR6ジェットブラックを買いたいのです。 >しかしWindowsがほしくないのです。 1. I'm curious: why do you want a laptop in Japanese yet you cannot understand Japanese? 2. The Panasonic website has as little hard info as possible and as much advertising as it can, no mention of any customizations whatsoever either for home users or business users. Theri "options" is a front for selling other hardware components that they leave out of the laptop sale. 3. Try chatting to some of the staff at Yodobashi camera, a good many have excellent english skills. -- Gernot Hassenpflug
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Re: asking for a bare laptop in Japanese
- From: Marty Pauley
- Re: [tlug] Re: asking for a bare laptop in Japanese
- From: Godwin Stewart
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