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Re: [tlug] Trying to extract images from a PDF

Dave M G writes:

 > The source PDF file opens in XPDF, and can be parsed with tkpdf, so I'm 
 > assuming for the moment that it isn't corrupt.

Not a good bet; the PDF standard is pretty robust, and lots of apps
(including Adobe apps like Acrobat Reader) play fast and loose with it
because they can get away with it.  What is producing the PDFs?

 > $ gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -r300 -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=image.png 
 > pg_0026.pdf
 > ESP Ghostscript 815.04 (2007-03-14)

This is very old.  You could try getting Artifex/Aladdin Ghostscript,
or GNU Ghostscript, all of which are now up to about 8.55.  However,
CUPS may get cranky (or the pms may get cranky on its behalf).

 > A Google search indicates that the PXD error is a matter of a missing 
 > module in the Ghostscript libraries. But I can't find any package for 
 > Ghostscript that provides that module in Synaptic.

 > Any other angles I can explore on this one?

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