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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] non-GPL dll inside GPL
- Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 14:54:52 +0900
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung <>
- Subject: [tlug] non-GPL dll inside GPL
- User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070604)
Unikey ( ) is a Vietnamese keyboard driver licensed under GPL. Arcording to README.txt in Unikey 3.62, it contains a non-open-source library ( rtfio.dll ). When compiling unikey from source, rtfio.dll is needed, but once unikey is built, rtfio.dll is embeddeb inside the binary of unikey and unikey does not requires rtfio.dll to run. The author is the same guy and he releases Unikey under *GPL* My question is that: Is it OK to do that? Does he has to separates rtfio.dll? Please read README.txt for more info. BR, VHThe UniKey project consists of following components: - UniKey: Vietnamese keyboard program for Windows - UVConverter: Universal Vietnamese Encoding Converter - vnconv (used by UniKey, UVConverter): library for Vietnamese encoding conversion. Official web site: These programs were released under the GNU General Public License! Please be fair and repect the rules. I have spent hundreds of hours to write these programs. You have to use VC.NET to build UniKey. - Open the workspace newkey\newkey.sln - Build NewKey project with configuration "Win32 Release" or "Win 32 Unicode Release". Other configurations were not well tested. From version 3.62, UniKey uses RtfIO library for converting rich texts. At the moment I cannot release source code of this library. Therefore, this package includes only the binary library in rtfio\rtfio.dll. You will need rtfio\rtfio.lib to build UniKey. The header file of this library is rtfio\intrtfio.h. To run UniKey, rtfio.dll must be in the same folder as UniKey program. The official UniKey program on UniKey web site was compiled with RtfIO library inside, therefore does not need rtfio.dll to run. Build UVConverter in VC.NET - Open the workspace uvconvert\uvconvert.vcproj - Build Build UVConverter in Linux: - Go to directory uvconvert - Issue command: make For support, questions, please visit UniKey forum at: Pham Kim Long
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- [tlug] non-GPL dll inside GPL
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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