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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] [ways OT ] Sandisk CF + Nikon D70
- Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 15:24:53 +0900
- From: "Nguyen Vu Hung" <>
- Subject: [tlug] [ways OT ] Sandisk CF + Nikon D70
Hi all,
I use my Sandisk CF 1.0GB[1] with Nikon D70[2] , It is not easy to reproduce the bug but at least, this is what I remember.
1. Took some pictures with the card[1].
2. Unplugged card[1] from the camera [2]
3. Inserted a new CF card, took some pictures There are two folders under this card ( NCD70, HARA100 ? ) and I deleted one of them
4, Replaced it with the old card[1].
At this momment, I observed that the old carded is full but I couldn't see any picutre in it ( with the camera, or even with my pasokon[3] ).
I din't deleted any pictures in this card nor formated the card.
I also have made an image of the disk[4] if you want to research ( 1GB in size, view with dd under Windows or Linux ).
# I guess that the file system(FAT) is corrrupt at some point.
[1] [2] [3] [4]
-- Best Regards, Nguyen Hung Vu vuhung16plus{remove} An inquisitive look at Harajuku
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