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Re: [tlug] Need module dependence mapper


I do not know of any tools that can generate software diagrams
for C code, but you may want to check out Umbrello, which has
code import functionality for a number of object-oriented

If you are unable to find a tool that meets your requirements,
Umbrello may be useful in creating your diagrams by hand.
Note that it is a KDE application; if you do not run KDE,
however, I am pretty sure that you can find it on a Knoppix

Regards, 1331

> Dear TLUG,
> I've been doing some code refactoring in a project I'm working on and
> after validating it with unit tests I believe I'll have finished it.
> In the near future, I need to make a presentation describing what have
> been done and why. What I would like to do is to generate graphs
> showing module dependencies before and after my modifications. Does
> anyone know if there is such tool for Linux? It needs to read source
> code (C) or objects and provide the dependence map as output[1].
> Thanks,
> Marcelo
> [1]

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