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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] emacs requiring network connection
- Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 13:32:00 +0900
- From: "Hector Akamine" <>
- Subject: [tlug] emacs requiring network connection
I have noticed the following issue: if I try to start emacs while my PC is disconnected from the network (i.e., unplug the ethernet cable from my PC), the emacs window won't show until I plug the PC again to the network. From this behavior, it seemed to me emacs was trying to connect somewhere before starting, so I ran wireshark to check this. The only thing I found in the packet capture that seemed related, is a DNS query from the PC running emacs (and the corresponding response from the server), so I guess it is. If this is the cause of the problem, why the **** does a TEXT EDITOR require a network connection to work, and what does emacs do with the query?
Have anybody experienced this issue? If the cause is what I inferred, is there a way to make emacs to refrain doing it?
emacs version is 21.4.1 in FC6 (21.4-17.3.fc6)
Thanks, Hector
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] emacs requiring network connection
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] emacs requiring network connection
- From: Tod McQuillin
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