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Re: [tlug] Stand Up for OpenOffice!!

Darren Cook writes:

 > I've set it in the appropriate place, and it works for display. E.g. I
 > see 2007-01-31. But when I click the cell and press F2 it covers up
 > 2007-01-31 and gives me an input box saying "07/31/01" (or some such).

Ah, that's a horse of a different color.  I didn't understand
correctly!  :-)

 > It is inconceivable to me that anyone would want to input dates in a
 > different format to that which they want to display them in.

Oh, I can imagine it, eg using "YYMMDD" to input and having it
displayed as "Month DD, YYYY".  But to change your preferred format to
another format is insane, especially since they can get basically the
same effect in this case by autoadvancing the edit cursor to the third
digit of the year.  (Bonus points for remember that the last three
times you edited a date you only changed the day, and moving the
cursor there. :-)

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