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- Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 15:17:01 +0900
- From: Dave M G <>
- Subject: [tlug], mythtv, xmltv
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070104)
With one small breakthrough, I've suddenly got MythTV working on my computer. There are a number of small fixes to be done, but for most of them I think I'll try looking for answers on the MythTV mailing list.
However, there is one issue that might be more appropriate here. Getting the schedule and channel information for here in Japan.
My understanding is that in some way or another, I can use XMLTV in combination with MythTV, and download schedule information for Japanese broadcast TV from
I've managed to get MythTV to scan and detect all the local channels. They have their names and xmltv ids in place (at least it seems to in the database).
I know I'm supposed to use mythfilldatabase, but it reports "Failed to fetch some program info".
There's also a tv_grab_jp.conf file with a listing of xmltv ids in the ~./xmltv directory.
I've also downloaded and attempted to run a tv_grab_jp perl script.
Everything seems almost in place, but I feel I'm just missing the right info in the right place somewhere in all this.
Has any MythTV users (or other XMLTV users) succeeded in trapping the info from
Any advice much appreciated.
By the way, I did come across Al Hoang's blog with some stuff about MythTV while searching around. Just thought I'd mention that I'm using MythTV 0.19, which theoretically doesn't have the problems connecting with MySQL that Al writes about.
ï-- Dave M G Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Kernel Pentium D Dual Core Processor PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2
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