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- Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 15:45:23 +0900
- From: Dave M G <>
- Subject: [tlug] MythTV
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070104)
I've been looking at MythTV on and off for over a year now. I've even tried, unsuccessfully, to install it on my system.
Despite reading through the Wiki on, I have to admit, I don't actually understand it.
I mean, I get that one can dedicate their Linux machine to being a multimedia suite, for TV and DVD watching and so on.
But what I don't get is whether or not MythTV *has* to be on a box dedicated for it's usage.
I have one desktop machine in my place, and I'd like to be able to use it for all my standard computer needs, as I do now, and *also* watch and record TV shows, play DVDs, etc...
Right now I use XawTV which allows me to view TV on the desktop. It's clunky as hell and very precarious. I use Xine to watch DVDs. But in any case, both of these require me to be at my desktop to stop, start, change channels, pause, record, all sorts of things that I'd rather do with my Hauppauge remote control from my couch.
So what's the deal here? Can I get my Linux machine to double as my computer and my home entertainment system? Or is it an either/or situation?
ï-- Dave M G Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Kernel Pentium D Dual Core Processor PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2
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