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Re: [tlug] dhcp.conf --nevermind

On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 18:55:55 +0900
Shawn <> wrote:

> > Now that I do, I need a dhcpd.conf
> > 
> > If I don't to request automatic lookup by dhcp as specified in the /usr/sbin/system-config-
> > services gui, please let me know.
> I heard I don't.

Don't what?
It's clear to me that you are confused, but please don't confuse us too.
You should state your problem along with what you want and what your
environment is.

Do you want to configure multiple machines on your network?
If the answer is no, then you don't need a dhcp _server_ and thus the
dhcpd.conf is irrelevant.

Do you want to configure your own machine only?
Looks to me this is the case. If you have a static IP from your
provider, then set it up accordingly. If not, then use the dhcp _client_.

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