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- Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 09:18:43 +0100 (CET)
- From: leon calvaud <>
- Subject: [tlug] about Tlug Wiki
Hello all,
i'm new to this list so i'll introduce myself fast.
My name is Christophe Ohlmann, i'm french, 24 years old and currently living in Japan, in Namegawa. (Saitama-ken. Hiki-gun)
My interests are in electrical domain and electronic domain, (about all electrical things) and of course in pc and internet(programming website and other things).
I used since some years Linux and i found it's a good OS, that needs helps for being better and for showing to people that there exists other OS than only M$.
I'm in Japan for some month i think maybe until 1 year, currently without job( i still search...), so in my free time i help a friend at his website, (free linux disks project, the goal is to spread linux around the world to people that can't get it by download or purchasing).
I looked about some few mails on mailling lists yesterday and day before, and you talked about wiki. I think it's a good idea to do a wiki, much user, or visitors could help you using it. But there are much wiki project (over 100) and the problem is to find one that suits the goal of Tlug. In this way i could help you by giving you a list and maybe helping you by testing some of these wiki.
I tried today to look about wikis projects, and i begin a list of these.
But due to number of these (more than 100), i need to know exactly what Tlug needs, so feel free to say me your wishes.
I plan to install some of them (those who seems suit much to Tlug's goal) on free websites hostings (for people's testing)
Feel free too to say me your meaning about me and my work.
I thank you
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- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] about Tlug Wiki
- From: Godwin Stewart
- Re: [tlug] about Tlug Wiki
- From: Alain Hoang
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