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Re: [tlug] Microsoft to embrace Linux -- not a joke!

On 11/3/06, Josh Glover <> wrote:
>From COLUG (

Microsoft and Novell today announced heavy cooperation to ensure
cross-compatibility between SUSE Linux and Windows.  It isn't April 1, and
these are real links and real news!  Unbelievable.

No - completely believable, but don't take it at face value! I presume you are aware of the recent evidence that has come out linking Microsoft to SCO in its legal harassing of Linux. Microsoft is nothing if not pragmatic - but surely you know the nature of the beast, so don't pop Champagne corks or let your guard down over this "Let's shake hands" blurb in the media! (Remember tatemae & honne - not to mention "tatemono" - ho-ho!) As a colleague correctly states, "Microsoft plays hardball". (Another colleague thinks Microsoft is a really wonderful company, to which I disagree.) Anyway - in life, and especially in life with robber barons and hardball Microsoft - everything is not what it seems. What gets into the media is only 10% of the story.


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