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Re: [tlug] Re: webservice

On 11/2/06, Jim Breen <> wrote:
Ian MacLean <> wrote:
>> I've been working on a simple personal dictionary app using edict and I was
>> thinking it could be useful to optionally grab the results from
>> Does anyone know if there is a webservice interface to it
>> ? or failing that a perl script to scrape the html ? Just thought I'd check
>> here before I write such a beast myself.

WWWJDIC links to the ALC/Eijiro server for each displayed entry. Try   and
look at the "[A]" link on the RHS. The URL generated is:
and it works fine.

I think the "word_in3=PVawEWi72JXCKoa0Je" is to stop people doing what
you are planning to do   8-)}

Thanks Jim,
Michael gave basically the same answer :ほげ&word_in3=BAR
That should do the trick.Now i just need to parse the result html - which will be interesting as it does stuff like :
<font color="darkblue"><span
花の<font color="crimson">みつ</ font>
 Still - it looks doable.


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