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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Hosting site suggestions
- Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 16:03:13 +1000 (EST)
- From: Jim Breen <>
- Subject: [tlug] Hosting site suggestions
I am beginning exploration of a possible new home for my dictionary-related projects, which I have run out of Monash University for the last 15 years. I expect that in about 2 years time I'll no longer have a relationship with Monash (I retired 3 years ago and am currently an honorary research fellow), and I can't expect that they'll host my stuff forever. I am planning to set up a home site for EDICT/JMdict/KANJDIC/WWWJDIC/etc. on a commercial *n*x system somewhere, which can be funded by donations or <shudder>advertising</shudder>. At present I am looking for a possible site. My needs are: -reliable *n*x system. -user account with at least 2Gb of user disk. More would be better. -reasonably full set of server level software, including Apache, gcc, MySQL, PHP, rsync, etc. etc. -very good Internet connection -reasonable contract continuity. I don't want to have to move every couple of years I don't really need root access if the right software is installed. A potential one I have had recommended is which offers an empty Linux virtual system in what seems to be a well- backed up and connection commercial installation. Something like their Small Business package would probably fit, and at my curent donation rate is affordable. Are there any good recommendations from TLUGers of possible hosting sites? Cheers Jim -- Jim Breen Clayton School of Information Technology, Tel: +61 3 9905 9554 Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia Fax: +61 3 9905 5146 (Monash Provider No. 00008C) ジム・ブリーン@モナシュ大蛙触Â
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Hosting site suggestions
- From: Dave M G
- Re: [tlug] Hosting site suggestions
- From: Narendra Prabhu. B
- Re: [tlug] Hosting site suggestions
- From: Michael(tm) Smith
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