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[tlug] qpdf2 (Re: regarding Zaurus presentation)


On 5/15/06, Micheal E Cooper <> wrote:

A last heads-up for the pdf reader program PDF Viewer. When you first
install it, the option under properties entitled "アプリケーションをVGA
(480x640ドット)の画面に最適化して実行する" is on. That might seem
to be the right setting, but it isn't, and you might think that the PDF
Viewer software is junk written for 700 series Zaurus. Turn this off,
and you get a full-page-width representation of the pdf that moves
naturally with the OK-arrow-button on the bottom right.
I found a page about qpdf2, which is a great improvement to the buggy
qpdf that comes bundled with the Zaurus. I installed it on my C3200
and am very impressed so far. Just  the rendering improvements make it
worth the upgrade.



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