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Re: [tlug] "Subject:" Testing for gmail users (Was(The message doesn't need to be in the title....))

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On Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 10:24:31AM +0900, Evan Monroig wrote:

> Personnally I understand that. E-mail subject is supposed to give a
> summary of the message body.
> In a perfect world, everybody would change the subject after writing
> their emails, no MUA would be broken, and people would be productive
> since they would easily spot the most interesting e-mails in their
> boxes. 
> Now everything is not perfect, and I don't want to argue as to whether
> Jim is right or not. I just understand what he does, as well as I
> understand that it is a pain for those using broken MUAs.

This is a test for the gmail users.  Unfortunately, gmail's web
interface goes under the category of broken MUA's.  (Along with my pet
peeve, that they "avoid clutter" by not putting something you send to a
mailing list in your inbox.)

For you gmailers, did this get threaded with the (Was blah blah)

In many cases, Jim is right to change the subject line (though I still
wish he'd use the was to avoid long pointless threads like this).
Anyway, speaking of Jim, I believe he is the one who suggested we vote
with our feet, using other web based mailers if we wish.  Of course, I
think we'd all be embarrassed to use hotmail accounts.  Does anyone know
if they thread correctly?

- -- 

Scott Robbins, who is too lazy to subscribe with a hotmail account to
test it.

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