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- Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 13:20:15 +0900
- From: "Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon" <>
- Subject: [tlug] "Ubuntu - A Good Time was had by All"
- Organization: Images Through Glass
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511
I just wrote an off-list letter to Alain about what happened after the Ubuntu Round Table meeting at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo hotel - which is situated just behind the Roppongi Hills tower (name dropping, ho-ho!) and it occurrs to me that it might be useful to send as a prompt for participation in future events! I got started on my letter by this sentence from Alain: "I was late getting to Shinjuku but things went alright afterwards I hope. " And here's the reply that I sent him: After that, Malcolm invited us to lunch in one of the hotel restaurants and events went basically like this: 1) We walked into a nice, but still semi-casual atmosphere (perfect for the group I think) and were given three tables. 2) Someone asked if they could be pushed together, and I was not surprised to see the waitress indicate that that was not allowed. 3) I sat at a table with Josh and Jun Kobayashi. I looked at the menu and noticed that it indicated a set price of something like Y3,500, so I asked Josh "Are we paying for our own lunches or is Ubuntu covering it?" He said he didn't know, so I suggested asking Malcolm. Josh looked horrified by this proposition, but over to Malcolm I went, and when I asked him "I'm embarrassed to ask this, but are we each paying for our own lunch?" He (polite man that he is) almost hid a look of "Who is this cheap idiot?" and politely said "It's on us'. 4) I went back to Josh and Jun and informed them that it was being paid for by Ubuntu. They both gave me a look that was half-contempt for my crassness and half-relief that the expensive lunch was free! Crass me, I laughed at their uncomfortable pleasure in learning of the monetary savings! 5) At the table, as Josh and I tossed some English back and forth, I looked over at Jun and asked him which would be better - English or Japanese? He said he couldn't understand our English, so we switched to Japanese. (If you want to give Josh a bad time, ask him about his statement "tatemono-ga-nai" in referring to me!) 6) Soon after consuming mass amounts of extremely good-tasting food (seriously, it was really good and I really did eat a lot - half was ordered and half was laid out and available on an "east-as-much-as-you-like basis), I turned around and began talking to... um... I think his name is Susuki? The outgoing guy who explained a lot about the local scene.... As we talked about Shibuya and days gone by, Josh and Jun gravitated over to Malcolm's table and talked about something else - presumably computers. All the while, poor Mr. Uchiuji (the ultra-quiet guy who sat to my left during the round-table), looked lost and unhappy - caught between streams of rapid English he didn't seem to understand on one hand, and "in the old days" talk (in Japanese) about Shibuya on the other hand. 7) We finished up, I had a very nice tasting cup of coffee, and as Malcolm (at the door) ogled the stunningly beautiful woman who saw us out of the restaurant (she was definitely a beauty), I looked back at her beautiful visage and back to Malcolm, who commented "That woman is really beautiful..." and I looked back for another look and muttered "Yes... I'd like to take a picture..." - at the tail end of saying that, I turned to see Malcolm's beautiful and friendly assistant (what was her name?) looking half-confused and half-displeased. I (and maybe Malcolm too?) felt properly ashamed and then everyone said their good-byes and vanished into the Tokyo jungle. 8) Out in that jungle, I went with a few of the Japanese guys to sit in front of the Roppongi Hills tower ("I feel like I'm in the news" the men from Osaka commented) and then later to a coffee shop next to Suntory Hall where we discussed Ubuntu Linux in particular and Linux, Mac and hardware in general. So... yeah, it went well I think. The food in the restaurant was the best I've had in... in... months? Years? I wish you had come - there was an empty chair at our table..... Lyle PS - Now that I've written all this down... maybe I should sent it to TLUG to show what everyone missed out on? I think I will! Anyway, off it goes to you first! PPS - and here it is......
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] "Ubuntu - A Good Time was had by All"
- From: Edward Middleton
- Re: [tlug] "Ubuntu - A Good Time was had by All"
- From: Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon
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