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Re: [tlug] GNU EMacs & Japanese files

>>>>> "Danny" == Danny Wilde <> writes:

    Danny> Every time I try to open a file in Gnu Emacs which is
    Danny> written in Japanese, Emacs always gets it wrong and fouls
    Danny> up the characters.
    Danny> I'm sure a lot of other people must have had this kind of
    Danny> problem.

Not that I've heard of.  If you run in C or he_IL locales, yes, you'll
have problems (although more with European languages than Japanese).
I haven't had a problem detecting Japanese while running in a ja_JP
locale since 1994 or so, though.  It's possible that if you run in a
non-Japanese locale with a Unicode file, you'll get Chinese
equivalents of many Japanese characters (even kana!), which will give
weird fonts, but you should be able to edit and save fine.

Note that (set-language-environment "Japanese") is equivalent to
starting XEmacs with "LANG=ja_JP.eucJP xemacs".  AFAIK that's true for
GNU Emacs as well.

I'm told that ja_JP.UTF-8 sometimes screws up; maybe that's your
problem?  Also, I don't know about "that other Emacs".  You'd think it
would work well, since that's the one Ken Handa works on.

Are you sure it's _every time_?  Maybe it's only certain files, maybe
you can identify a particular type of file.  Maybe you should switch
to XEmacs---the quality of the Mule implementation probably isn't
quite as good, but I can help you fight with it ;-).

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