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- Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 02:36:13 +0100
- From: =?UTF-8?B?R8OhYm9yIEZhcmthcw==?= <>
- Subject: [tlug] furigana...openoffice?
- User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041208)
hi, i'm trying to enter some text, which is japanese with furigana.. i'm trying to do it with openoffice... question1: furigana should/has-to be added to the word or to the kanjis? for example if i have 映画 then i'm adding えいが to this word, or え to the first kanji, and が to the second? question2: is anyone working with furigana in openoffice? my problem is this..i loaded the file into openoffice. i selected a line of text, pressed format/ruby, and started to add furigana.the problem is, that openoffice sometimes guesses the "parts" wrong..sometimes as a part you have a kanji + some kana or stuff like that. the only way i can solve it, is to exit this editor, select only the kanji/compound i want to have furigana-ized, and launch the ruby editor. is there an easier way? or perharps a better linux program for editing japanese text? (i am only learning japanese, so if there is a better program, i'd prefer one with english menu ;) thanks, gabor
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] furigana...openoffice?
- From: Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon
- Re: [tlug] furigana...openoffice?
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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