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Re: [tlug] hdx lost interrupt

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 17:33:07 +0900, Patrick Niessen
<> wrote:
> It basically works fine, but startup is VERY slow, and verbose output
> repeatedly declares
> "hdc : lost interrupt"
> Do you think this is
> a) IDE cabling issue => (will replace cable)
> b) IDE Master/Slave issue => (will change drive settings, switch connection)
> c) Kernel issue => ?
> d) Controller issue => 

Perhaps none of the above. Try changing your 
BIOS settings first. Change your PCI devices to
manual vice running in Auto or vice versa. If it 
is and only is an interrupt problem as stated, 
I'd start in BIOS first. 

I understand that you may have not changed
the settings, but its worth a try.   


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