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Re: [tlug] binary search of binary data

>>>>> "Dave" == Dave Brown <> writes:

    Dave> I guess the bash guys want bash builtins to mimic all of the
    Dave> arbitrary limitations of external commands, despite not
    Dave> being bound by such limitations.  Interesting way of looking
    Dave> at things.

It's called "valuing portability".

Look, the _very_ first thing you wrote was "save PIDs".  (Premature
optimization is the root of all error, according to Dr. Knuth, but I
digress.)  What you guys claim is desirable in fact would mean that
"optimized" programs behave differently from unoptimized ones.  Yuck.

Certain kinds of non-portability are acceptable.  They're called
"extensions"; they make a program that is incorrect in one
implementation do something useful with the extension.  But this
particular variation is not an extension; it changes the meaning of a
correct program.

If you want precise semantics, use a do-what-I-say API designed for
precise semantics, not a do-what-I-mean UI designed to save your

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