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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Potentially Dying Hard Disk Questions [2](Dropping HD's...)
- Date: Sat, 07 Aug 2004 10:38:47 +0900
- From: "Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Potentially Dying Hard Disk Questions [2](Dropping HD's...)
- References: <> <>
- Organization: Images Through Glass
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616
PS - I forgot to run spell check for my intro - please read this one and ignore the first one! - LHS A. Sajjad Zaidi wrote: >Hard drives are quite sensitive and can develop bad sectors from even >the slightest mishandling or accidents and sometimes just by being under >heavy use for a while. Almost all the drives I have owned have shown >some signs like these within two years. > > I just stumbled on something I wrote back in 2000 about one of my junk computer projects: The Dell laptop computers... As I said I would at the top of this letter, when I got home from my overly long time in the tunnels, I pulled the Pentium Dell out of the closet, took off the broken screen/display, and tried hooking it up to my desktop monitor with the battery from Dell #1 (the only good battery of the three). Why the battery? Because the AC hookup for the Pentium Dell is different from the other two 486 Dells, and it didn't come with a power supply. Anyway, the machine worked fine, so I tried to put the display from Dell #2 onto Dell #3, but unfortunately, the display plugs are not the same, so I was forced to abandon that idea (discovered after a lot of work breaking down the two machines into pieces). Now for the fun. The #2 Dell came apart relatively easily, but didn't go back together very well... so the hard drive had to be shoved in with some force. I thought it was odd, so I pulled it out and retried it a few times... managing to drop the drive on the floor once... After I tried firing it up, sure enough, dropping it ruined that drive. It functions, but makes the most awful noises I've ever heard any hard drive make. Pulling out the (suddenly) useless hard drive, I looked forlornly at it and noticed a sticker on the back of it that says "Otosanai de kudasai" ("Please don't drop"), and another fine line of type that says: "Product warranty will be void if top cover is removed, if the drive experiences shock in excess of 150 G's, or if any of the labels are removed." 150 G's?? Sounds like an airplane or something..... Is a two foot drop to a linoleum floor more than 150 G's?? Whatever, the result is the result, so I'll just have to figure I bought "Don't drop hard drives!" warning signals in my brain with the death of one 500MB drive. Other than that, I didn't really come up with anything useful... I trashed one 500MB drive and mucked up the reassembly of Dell #2. All in all, not a very successful night of computer surgery!
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Potentially Dying Hard Disk Questions [2](DroppingHD's...)
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- References:
- [tlug] Potentially Dying Hard Disk Questions
- From: Zev Blut
- Re: [tlug] Potentially Dying Hard Disk Questions
- From: A. Sajjad Zaidi
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