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Re: [tlug] KuickShow

>>What other photo viewing/editing/etc. applications are out there?
>I'm quite satisfied with GQview.  Electric Eyes offers some (limited)
>editing capabilities too.
BANZAI! BANZAI!! BANZAI!!!  BRAVO! BRAVO!! BRAVO!!!  Very very nice!!!  
Ah... I've been using Linux for months now thinking in my back of my 
mind "Ah... but what a happy man would I be if only I could view photos 
on Linux with something like I can with ACD See on MS....".  And now... 
these dreams have become reality.  Please don't think I'm being 
sarcastic or anything.  I really am very very pleased!  Thank you - 
thank you thank you!!!

Happy man in Saturday evening Tokyo


PS  Version 1.3.2 is what's in my computer - it came up with a warning 
that it's a beta version.  Is there anything I should be worried about?  
Is this the most recent version?

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