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Re: [tlug] shell question

Quoth Stephen J. Turnbull (Fri 2004-04-16 04:03:23PM +0900):

> >>>>> "Alain" == Alain Hoang <> writes:
>     Alain> And for those of us with a penchant for even more niche
>     Alain> programming languages....

Ruby is niche? If I wanted niche, I would whip up something in Brainf*ck.

>     Alain>
>     Alain> changing_lines_in_files.html
> Wow!  Whoever thought up that syntax must be systematically bent!
> To each his own, of course, but I'd rather write Perl, I think!

I must agree that this syntax is hard to grok. I have never looked at
Ruby before.

> One of the things I like about Python is that the language is
> _designed_.  It may not to be your taste, and that's fine.  As Larry
> Wall says, there's always more than one way to do things.  But with
> Python, once I started to grok pythonicity, the new language features
> just seem to grow naturally (no like-moss-or-mold jokes, please) out
> of the language.  YMWV.

I found Python quite a pleasure to code in, once I got over the initial
hump of "this ain't exactly C". :)

Josh Glover

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