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[tlug] Re: Security question with grep/egrep

Well, a total change on this one. I sent the egrep version of the WWWJDIC
server code out to mirror sites, and found that it failed on two of them. (*)
It appeared to be a failure of the piping of the egrep results through 
"head -nnn", and the result was the CGI would just hang until apache cleaned
it up.

So, I recoded it using in-line regcom/regexec/regerror calls. They weren't
as bad to drive as I first thought. The result is that at Monash (Solaris)
it seems to run a bit faster. I won't know how it goes on the mirrors until
they pick up and install the code.

One plus, from a user point-of-view, is that badly formed regexes will
result in the relevant regcomp/regerror message being passed back.


(*) one was RH8 and the other Debian. At least two other sites are Debians,
and they worked fine. Odd.

Jim Breen                      
Computer Science & Software Engineering,                Tel: +61 3 9905 9554
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia                  Fax: +61 3 9905 5146
(Monash Provider No. 00008C)                ジム・ブリーン@モナシュ大学

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