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Re: [tlug] Majordomo Problem punting to avoid mail loop with big attachments

On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 11:48:00AM +0900, Alessandro Mantelli wrote:

> punting to avoid mail loop.
>Do you know how to solve this issue? It looks like majordomo is trying
>sending mail to itself.

It's been a while (near two years) since I've even touched majordomo, and
that was a system that I had running smooth as silk and hadn't actually
done anything to for a long time. 

With that disclaimer in mind regarding the advisability of listening to
me <g>,  check your aliases file and majordomo configs to be sure you
don't have any mail loops there.   Check your mail logs for clues as to
where the problem is occurring, too.  Feel free to post config files or
parts thereof here.

Also, there is (or was) a majordomo list hosted on, you
may find the answer in the list archives or just by dropping it into
google.  I don't think there are many majordomo users on TLUG anymore, which
is probably why no one has replied to your question (most TLUGgers today
have probably never adminned majordomo, I'll warrant, and even TLUG 
has been using smartlist for several years; we used to use majordomo).

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