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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] de-lurking with a question
- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 23:48:30 -0500
- From: Ben Konrath <>
- Subject: [tlug] de-lurking with a question
Hi everyone, i figure that i should de-lurk because i have a question. i hope that's not too offensive :) quick intro: i'm a computer science student at the university of toronto. i took last academic term off and was in tokyo teaching english ... i actually made it out to a couple of the technical meetings, but i was working most saturdays, so that excluded me from friday nights. sad sad. now on to my question. i'm doing an internship next academic term. I had interviews with espon for a job at one of their r and d labs in japan and with redhat toronto. I'm expecting to get a high ranking from both companies, so i hope to get a job from both of them. any thoughts on which would be a better experience? anyway, i guess that's all i have to say. i'll try not to continue to lurk but it's hard to break bad habits :) cheers, ben
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