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Re: [tlug] SCO's non-case

Shawn wrote:
> Under a court order to identify the "truckloads" lines in Linux that IBM 
> alledgedly copied from SysV, SCO could show nothing in court today and 
> dropped the claim.  Now they say, IBM has no right to put IBM created 
> and owned code into Linux.

Actually, this what they have been saying all along. They say that they
have a contract with IBM that says that what IBM develop for AIX can
not be ported to any other product (this is _not_ the exact wording,
but the end result). SCO do agree that IBM still owns the code.

I guess they may have a contract like this but it is still up to SCO to
prove that the code in Linux actually came from AIX and not, for example,
from OS/2. This is why SCO want the complete AIX code from all versions
of AIX. They need it to prove their hunch that IBM broke the contract
and owes them 3,000,000,000 USD and some.

/Fredric Fredricson

About the truckloads, well... I guess they never said how big the
trucks are. Toy trucks from what it seems now. ;-).

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