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Re: [tlug] RedHat 7.2 -> 9 Upgrade... stuff broke

> On Sun, Feb 01, 2004 at 01:39:24PM -0500, Josh Glover wrote:
> >A red face doth future sins retard. Don't worry about it, Gerald. You are
> >quite forgiven. Just chalk this up to tough love, for that is truly the
> >TLUG way.
> Just so.  The Marines don't turn recruits into Marines by sending them
> to the Ritz-Carlton, and we don't turn people into TLUGgers with
> subtlety and grace, either ;-)

I wish we had had you at Khe Shang.

Brett Robson 
Systems Administrator
Phone: 03-3239-6856    International: +81-3-3239-6856

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