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Re: [tlug] RE: RE: getting back on track [ was RE: introductions ]

I would suggest Debian.
Actually I am using Red Hat in some servers in the present company, but
after few test with
Debian (at the beginning it can be a little difficoult to set ) I would
suggest it both as server than
Desktop. Indeed setting KDE (SID) is still little complicated. You can't
just do apt-get
install KDE, but you have to apt-get any single packet. Moreover there's
also a library
problem to solve as described here
but that good thing is that with Debian, you can decide exactly what
software you intend to install.
So if you use it only for desktop you can just install X kde and that's all.

Alex Mantelli

ps. I forgot to introduce me. My name is Alex, Italian 33. I have been
living in tokyo
for about 3 years and actually I am working in a software company.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [tlug] RE: RE: getting back on track [ was RE: introductions ]

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