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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] it's as bad as it sounds
- Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 01:25:23 +0900
- From: Graham Briggs <>
- Subject: [tlug] it's as bad as it sounds
Dear all, Well, a belated happy Linux year to everyone. After the relaxing oshogatsu (taiko no tatsujin on the PS2 and the bustle of Asakusa on Jan 2nd.) I went back to work today to be told I had to find a M$ SQL course, in English, in HK or Sydney. Wish me luck - I haven't touched M$ SQL since version 6 (or whatever) about 4 years ago. Ah well. Maybe the year will get better later on. The meat of the post - has anyone tried for AAC audio on Linux? I found this, and it seems right, but I haven't had chance to try it yet - I'm looking at this as I'm looking at ways to use my iPod with my Linux box for various things, and it struck me that I encoded a lot of tracks in AAC (sounds a bit better than MP3 to me). any other Linux/iPod'ders out there? Best to all. Graham -- Linux: RedHat 9 on a AMD XP 2000+ Windows: Windows XP on AMD XP 2500+ Mac: Mac OS X 10.3 on Dual G4 867
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- [tlug] it's as bad as it sounds
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