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Re: [tlug] Good binary distribution

On Wed, 8 Oct 2003 09:00:44 -0700 (PDT)
Jake Morrison <> wrote:

> No, I am installing from a set of CDs. I can get a kernel onto 
> the system (e.g. by putting the HD on another box or burning a CD) 
> and compile it, then finish the install, but why? And with 2.2
> it only supports ext2, so I have to fix the disks later too. 
> .... so I bailed on Debian.

> For a firewall, I prefer a minimal base install, with everything
> disabled out of the box.

For the above reasons, I personally prefer the most simplistic way of
installing it as I have said it before:

I think it's possible to do this from a linux cd (eg. knoppix, or some
rescue disk):
In your case, this is the way to go IMHO. This will get you a real bare
bones system, just what you want.

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