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Re: [tlug] Mail Server

Based on advice I received here I chose Exim. Without any prior
experience with mail servers I found it very easy to install and then
customize to my requirements (virtual domain hosting).

We use it at GOL (by far Japan's greatest ISP) and it is extremely

One caution is that the author (forget his name) is a Cambridge Uni
mathematics PhD and I find his (extensive) documentation very difficult
to follow and it reads more like a maths text rather than the bare facts
that harried sys admins need. If you are doing anything more than a
simple install you should spend some time reading the doco first.


On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 14:32:52 +0900
"James Cluff" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am was just going to install a mail server, but have only a little
> experience with senmail and haven't played with anything else yet.  I
> searched the archives to see if anyone was using Qmail or Exim or anything
> besides Sendmail or had any experience or recommendations but found
> nothing - which I thought was strange.
> Exim is obviously GPL per their site, Qmail license is well rather confusing
> and per my search on google no comment I have read yet clarifies it in the
> least.
> All three seem to be quite popular and well supported.
> Does anyone have any advise or preferences relative to mail servers?
> James Cluff
> Tokyo Kasei Kogyo, Ltd.
> phone 81-3-5640-8862
> fax 81-3-5640-8869
> 4-10-2 Nihonbashi-Honcho
> Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023 Japan
> -- 
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Brett Robson 
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