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Re: [tlug] Converting Encoding-- Mac SJIS to UTF8 Linux

On Tue, 05 Aug 2003 12:14:36 +0900
David Riggs <> wrote:

> I have managed to cobble together a way to get my Macintosh files to Linux, 
> but I have to do it one folder at a time. Can anyone help me make the Linux 
> scripts a recursive process, so I don't have to navigate to each folder in 
> turn and run these two scripts (see below)?

The find command will give you a list of all the files or directories
that match citeria which you can pass to you your program using back
ticks (expand the find command as necessary)

myconvert `find  `

but that may exceded the number of file names you can pass.

You can also use exec the exec option on the find command to call
myconver once for each program.


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