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[tlug] RE: Opportunity for an experienced Unix SA

Re: this Unix SA opening: we have been informed that the native Japanese
requirement has been relaxed.  All interested candidates are encouraged to

Please reply via
	(03) 5765 7131

if you would like to put youserlf forward, or to request further

M. Grifin
 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Mike Griffin []
Sent:	Friday, June 13, 2003 6:42 PM
To:	''
Subject:	Opportunity for an experienced Unix SA

A global investment bank in Tokyo is seeking an experienced Unix SA for a
position that is available immediately.  If you are interested in applying,
or know someone who might be a good fit, please contact Alain Wenckebach at
PTS Japan via
	(03) 5765 7131

Details of the position follow.

M. Griffin

UNIX System Administrator
Production analyst
 Position Description
Required Skills
�	Japanese native with English spoken and written capability
�	High skill with most of the basic Unix operating system
commands/utilities, system installation and configuration, printer systems,
fundamentals of security, installing third-party software, good knowledge of
soft and hard links, distinctions between the kernel and the user
environment. Good knowledge on HP-UX and/or Solaris.
�	Familiarity with basic system administration tools and processes; for
example, boot/shut down a machine, add and remove user accounts, use backup
programs, applying patches and maintaining system database files (groups,
hosts, aliases).
�	Ability to write and debug a Korn Shell script
�	Strong interpersonal and communication skills, having elaborate
documentation ability, independent problem-solving, self-direction.
Required Background
�	Two years of Unix system administration experience as minimum.
�	Experience of production environment, application analysis and support.
Desirable Background and Skills
�	Ability to do first level database administration, such as taking
dumps/import, creating database, logins, and understanding of Sybase/oracle
client server architecture is an advantage.
�	Knowledge on Legato Networker is an advantage.
�	Experience of financial environment is an advantage
Appropriate Responsibilities
�	Will be integrated in Central Production team, which is responsible for
all applications running in production.
�	Working in shift 8AM-4PM or 1PM-9PM
�	The afternoon shift is also responsible for night batch operator support.
(Intervention following night operator call with remote access from home)
�	Performs upgrades and installation of systems on requests.
�	Establish/recommend policies on system use and services.
�	Work under the general supervision of Central Production systems manager.

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