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[tlug] file permssions SCP

Someone hijacked my last thread, changing it to mail list etiquite, so I am
starting a new one, I thought I did last time, but since at work I am using
outlook, I realize now that in fact I did not.  My oppologies.

Of course I realize that Unix is used for multiple users and that it would
be difficult to "fix" the system if I removed x privledges from other for
the entire system, but it also seems like it would be easier to nail down
security if by default users had no priveledges and then priveldges where
given to them by adding them to groups with priveledges.  No I am not ready
to change my system that way, today, it is just a thought.

I have logged into many linux systems through the internet where I was able
to access a lot more of their system than I should have been able to since I
was practically an anonymous user and this always seemed like someone
screwed up, and if someone wanted to hijack this machine, they probably

I did search quite a bit on the web before sending my e-mail, so did not
feel like it was a bad idea to see how other people handled this situation,
I thought that is what the list was for to share how we are using or would
like to use linux.

One reply form Jonathan Byrne suggested scponly thank you Jonathan, it did
not show up in my searches and I wasn't familiar with this, I will probably
give it a try today, if that doesn't work, then there are other SFTP options
which I am already using in some cases, but I thought there might be a
better way.

Because someone asks a question, it shouldn't be assumed they don't have
some answers already, or haven't researched the issue.  I just wanted to
find out what everyone else was doing before I made a decision, I didn't
think that I was the only one on this list that may have had this issue.

Has anyone had experience with SCP only that can say it is good or bad?

Thank you.


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