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[tlug] New Member - PPPoE Question

Moshe Moshe,

I have subscribed to the list because I am trying to configure a server that
is in Japan; the ISP uses PPPoE protocol, which I don't have experience with.

I presume there is a wealth of information in the List Archive, but I am 
unable to access it because I am prompted for a User ID/Password.  I have 
tried various combinations of Anonymous and my User ID, with no luck.  It is
probably "intuitive", and will become self-evident as soon as someone can
give me a hint.  I did not find any references to this on the web site or FAQ.

I am running Red Hat 6.2 and installed Roaring Penguin Software's version
of PPPoE (rp-pppoe-3.5-1.i386.rpm).  There is a LinkSys router connected to the
NTT network.  I was able to remotely connect to the server briefly, but the
connection was not reliable.  My searches indicate that the MTU may need
to be tweaked; my attempts to modify it destablized the connection.

I would appreciate it if someone can:
 a) help me with the account/password so I can log in and look at the archives
 b) forward any other links to information about PPPoE (preferably in
    English, but I have access to a non-technical colleague who can
    translate Japanese for me)


Gary Bozek
Coach, Enlighten, Organize

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