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RE: [tlug] Re: exotic foods (Was: crashing mail)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josh Glover []
> That's it! I have had it with you Aussies and your American 
> bashing. I'm
> making a call to President Dubya now. Expect a flight of 
> B-2's later this
> afternoon.

You going to hunt kangaroos with B-2s? Overwhelming concentration of
force is an important part of US doctrine but that's crazy.

Re the virtual reality simulators story. That's been going around for a
long time but I don't think it is correct, the early version had lots of
errors in it. When I was in the army I worked next to the war game
center and knew quite a few aviation people (some were extremely
interest in the emerging OS call Linux).

But there is a real story. Every couple of years the American military
comes to Australia and get throughly thrashed in war games (guess who is
trying hardest). Not much fun avoiding sharks, crocodiles, water
buffalo, wild boar, deadly snakes and spiders, and Aussie soldiers
chasing you around.

The US Army brought some early troop detecting radars along and kept
sending helicopters out to target troop concentrations, only to discover
kangaroos everytime. Kangaroos behave very much like soldiers, about the
same size, they like taking cover during the heat, move at dusk, and
scatter on contact. 

I believe we are sending the 1st Kangaroo Distraction Division to Iraq.

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