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- Date: 12 Jan 2003 22:08:22 +0900
- From: bruno raoult <>
- Subject: [tlug] Linux training
Hi, I already asked this last summer, but this time I am going to do it really for my team: I am looking for a Linux training in our office (Akasaka, near ANA Hotel), in 2 or 3 sessions (for 2-3 groups). I think each group could have a 2 days training (about 5-7 hours/day). The Audience will be my team (front-office IT: developpers & international support team), as well as other teams (back-office IT, help desk, etc...) The target is not to teach Unix (nor Linux), but to give the people (who already know Solaris) hints to use/manage a Linux system (Redhat is our standard). Probably one of these groups could have an "initiation to Linux/Unix" instead (as opposed to W$). The 2 other ones need surely higher level teaching. For instance, startup files, boot sequence, NFS/NIS setup, differences betweeen commands (eg "ps"), or patch installation could be part of this training. Nothing about GUIs (we use Linux as servers only). We will install machines with RH prior to the training, but maybe a quick "installation steps" on a standalone PC should also be shown. I also guess that a "paper-based" course is better (I mean that some material is necessary, in both courses). If you are interested (and serious about it!), or know a company able to give us this service, please let me know. br. -- GPG Key: 653514E5 ( -- Avec Linux vous avez un noyau, avec Windows des pépins.Attachment: signature.asc
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