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Re: [tlug] Digital Camera Choices: Canon IXY 320 ?

I am not sure if CF and Flash Card is the same,
In my case I bought a flash card of 128Mb for around 9.000 yens (including tax).
You should consider that the price of the camera is =camera (depends)+ memory card (128=9000 yens) =   20.000 yens or more
About the definition, 1.3 Mb is fine, 2 Mb is awesome but more expensive. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [tlug] Digital Camera Choices: Canon IXY 320 ?

Thanks to Jim, Mauro & Martin,

Good to hear that.  The digital camera (a small Axia or such) of a
friend does not store in JPG and one needs software to get the images
out of the machine and displayable.  This is what I was worried about.
I thought it would be logical to mount the USB connected camera as a
drive (as described), and that is comforting to know that that is

As for the removable media, I think CF is more compatible with devices
such as PDAs (Sharp Zarius on the long-term wish list!) and also is
more robust to physical damage that smart media.

Anyway, thanks for all the advice!  The Canon is still a bit pricy,
so if there are other recommendations, great.  However I do feel
comfortable with the quality choice.

Camera comes with a 16 Mb card, which I reckon is a poor show.  So,
any recommendations on where to get a cheap 128Mb CF card :-)


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