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Re: [tlug] [newbie] scp syntax

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 02:52:29PM +0900, Nguyen Vu Hung wrote:
> Can anyone give me an example use of scp. I tried to copy /tmp/mozilla*
> from orange24 machine to working directory as below, but I did not work

It looks like the others have given you plenty of info about scp. But
have you considered rsync? It seems like you're transferring multiple
files, and it's easier to do that with rsync. You can run rsync over
ssh, so I think it's as secure as scp--maybe more so: rsync can only
access directories that you've specified in the config file. If you have
to do this kind of thing often, rsync might make life a little easier.

Matt Gushee
Englewood, Colorado, USA

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