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Re: [tlug] Network card

> On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 02:11:16PM +0900, Brett Robson wrote:
> > 

> So it does see the card?  That is ifconfig eth0 (or whatever number)
> shows the card?  (I've never had problems with the 310, only [in RH
> 7.1?) the 311.

No, ifconfig doesn't know about the card at all.

> It's a tulip driver if that helps. One reason there isn't much
> documentation (I suspect) on the Netgear FA310TX with Linux is that it's
> pretty much put it in and everything but Solaris will automagically
> configure it (and Solaris will too if it's the OLD Netgear card--but
> there's a newer version of FA310TX --I don't think Solaris ever fixed
> their HCL, but anyway...)

The online doco says that it should be the tulip driver but the other
machines I've installed say they are using natsemi. I don't have
physical access but I am pretty sure they are the same cards. hmmm

I don't understand how this all fits together. My admin books talk about
configuring ether parameter on LILO, but RH now uses Kudzu. (Running
Kudzu doesn't detect it correctly). How can I force it to use the tulip

> I wonder if the card might be bad?  Again, I'm a bit puzzled as I too
> have never had a problem with these cards, including RH 7.3 and the
> newest beta (Null).

I just rebooted under Win2000 and that detected the card with no
problems, didn't even put up the hardware wizard. I accessed the network
with absolutely no intervention at all.

> You might try recompiling the kernel, making sure the tulip driver is
> installed

pretty sure it is but I'll have a look at it.

I'm popping out for a coffee at starbucks. and a perve at all the girls,
and pick up a small hub.

Brett Robson 
Aichi, Japan

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