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Re: [tlug] Japanese encoding

[Brett Robson (Re: [tlug] Japanese encoding) writes:]
>> From: "Josh Glover" <>
>> >  But isn't the Australian government famous for sloppiness?
>> It's a national trait :) fortunatlely absent from QANTAS

Just like Brett's speling?

>> ps better stop this OT stuff before we all get in trouble

Well, I'll get back OT with a little shirase.

I've just added a humungous collection of Japanese/English sentence pairs
to WWWJDIC. They're linked automagically to about 22,000 EDICT entries, so
that when  you look up something like "shirase", you can see a heap of 
sentences using the word. It's a public domain collection, and you can read
the details at:


Jim Breen  (
Computer Science & Software Engineering,                Tel: +61 3 9905 3298
P.O Box 26, Monash University,                          Fax: +61 3 9905 5146
Clayton VIC 3800, Australia      ジム・ブリーン@モナシュ大学

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