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Re: [tlug] cannna+kinput2

On 8/7/2002, "hatsuhiro" <> wrote:

>I guess my configuration is wrong, but I got errors in compilation and
>installation of both Canna and Kinput2. I need some examples to show how
>do. Don't you have those? How can we interpret messages like "make[2]:
>***[includes] Error 2"?

Post the actual error messages, along with information about your
distribution and configuration, and maybe someone can help.

On a related note, does anyone know of a good documentation _in English_
for getting canna/kinput2 to work on a modern Red Hat machine? There are 
plenty of documents in Japanese, but a friend of a friend of mine in the US

who doesn't speak any Japanese needs to get kinput2 running, and I don't
have time to translate a Japanese document for him.


PS Yes, I do know about Craig Oda's document. That's not my definition of

"modern," though. I need documentation for Red Hat 7.x.

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