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Re: [tlug] new distro howto

On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 05:25:33PM +0200, Pietro Zuco wrote:
> Exist a protocol or a license that the people have to follow to publish a new 
> Linux distro?

yes, you need to follow the licenses of the programs that you
use in your distro. most notably the GPL and many others
require you to make the source available too.

as long as you keep that in mind you should be fine.
if you use an existing distro that you can already download
(redhat, debian (not sure about the others)
as a base you won't get any software that you may not use.

there is no protocol, just follow the licenses.

> If someone make a new distro, have to register it in some place or only have 
> to register the name as a company or association?

there is no such thing.
just go ahead and publish the distro.
anybody and their dog are allowed to publish their own
linux distro.

the more interesting question is:
given that there are an uncountable number of distributions out there
already, what makes yours different from the others?

greetings, martin.
i am looking for a job anywhere in the world, doing pike programming,
caudium/pike/roxen training, roxen/caudium and/or unix system administration.
pike programmer                        (www.archlab|(www|db).hb2)
unix                (iaeste|bahai)          
systemadministrator (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org        is.(|
Martin B"ahr

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