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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Confessions of a closet OpenBSD user
- Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 14:13:22 -0400
- From: Josh Glover <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Confessions of a closet OpenBSD user
- References: <> <>
- Organization: INCOGEN, Inc.
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Matt Doughty wrote: > On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 01:10:15PM -0400, Josh Glover wrote: > >>OK, I have been called on a couple of things that have been going on >>recently, so I must come clean. >> >>I use OpenBSD. Even worse (and more shocking), I like it and agree with >>its design philosophy. The same goes for OpenSSH. > > > *shrug* I used it at one point. There is redemption. ;) I have to > question your sanity on agreeing with OpenSSH design philosophy > though. I think we have massacred that horse though so I'm not going > to discuss again here. Sorry, I meant that I liked OpenSSH, not that its design was good. >>I agree, and here is my repentence and clarification. Please feel free >>to assign penance as you see fit. > > > penance: > 10 weeks working the help desk at AOL. You are required to be nice. ;) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, even Microsoft Tech Support would be less painful! >>3) I agree wholeheartedly with the design philosophy behind OpenBSD, >>especially how default installs work. > > > Yeah there default everything off approach is the right one, but they > aren't the only ones who do that. True. We have established that in our other thread. >>4) I would like to see OpenBSD get better and better, and am interested >>in getting personally involved in the project, as time and my limited >>knowledge allow. > > > Hmm. more penance may be in order. ;) According to your theories, working on OpenBSD should be sufficient penance in of itself, ja nai ka? >>10) It was not fair of me to simply make an anti-OpenSSH statement and >>not clarify my position at all. > > > Fair? Life ain't fair. I certainly make complete unfair comments all the > time, and I expect you to continue to do the same. Someone will invariably > set you down if you act up to much. :) Yes, they will, they did, and moreover, I feel that they were correct in doing so. Here, I was wrong (that will not happen again, don't worry! ;), hence my long apology. >>In conclusion, I apologise for my remarks about OpenSSH, which were >>off-the-cuff and not very fair. > > > Man someone laid into you good didn't they. Lets be honest most of us > have not dug through all the source code for these things. No, they were very polite, actually. The whole conversation grew out of someone mentioning that anti-OpenBSD atmosphere in almost an offhand way, me inquiring privately about it, and clarifications by the OP. I continued the discussion because I wanted to understand their position more clearly, and I pretty much asked, "Did I personally offend you?" Their response was very well worded, and I saw that I had done a few things in a decidedly less-than-optimal fashion. >>Also, I hope that no-one on this list takes comments made by anyone else >>without at least a grain of salt. That can be dangerous. > > > Especially ones make by me. ;) Dude, you have been plonked by me time and again. I do not know why your emails keep showing up in my TLUG folder. Are you using some hard-core stealth email technology? ;) OK, I need to go home for lunch and a shower (slept at the office last night, thanks to all the time I lost for work while trying to clean up after Apache and OpenSSH this past week). I will continue posting to this thread *after* I get some legitimate work done! ;) -- Josh Glover <> Associate Systems Administrator INCOGEN, Inc.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Confessions of a closet OpenBSD user
- From: Jonathan Byrne
- References:
- [tlug] Confessions of a closet OpenBSD user
- From: Josh Glover
- Re: [tlug] Confessions of a closet OpenBSD user
- From: Matt Doughty
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