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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Looking for a web host.
- Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 05:55:36 +0100 (BST)
- From: <>
- Subject: [tlug] Looking for a web host.
Dear TLUGgers, Hope someone here can help me. I have been administering a commercial webserver for the past couple of years. Prior to that we shared space on another web-hosting company's commercial server. However, the cost of leasing the hardware and connectivity for our dedicated server has gotten too high for me. If anyone here is in a position to discuss the reallocating of my limited hosting budget :-), I am wanting to keep a number of small sites up. Key is having a MySQL server running as well as the usual PHP & apache. Either someone involved in hosting or someone interested in some sort of server sharing arrangement would be appreciated! I have about 10 sites of my own (including friends and academic projects) I would like to keep going and there is also the likelihood of trying to keep hosting another 10 commercial sites. All the best, Tim PS - I have heard of successful hosting cooperatives, but that tended to be popular prior to the fall in cost of hosting. Does TLUG have its own server? Can we got accounts on that? Is such a project TLUG would be interested in pursuing?
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