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Re: [tlug] Does rxvt support kinput?

>>>>> "hy" == Yamagata Hiroo <> writes:

    >> Stephen is too busy marvelling at the fact that he need never
    >> again save a file in _any_ JIS code.  uxterm rules!

    hy> So, what is this uxterm?

Latest XTerm with unicode enabled as default.  (It's done via
app-defaults, actually.)

    hy> And what do you mean you don't have to save anything in JIS? 
    hy> Does this thing read your mind and convert all the encoding
    hy> when you send it to someone?

Well, obviously there will be spool files of mail messages etc saved
in ISO-2022-JP and so on.  But now I can tell XEmacs to save all files
in UTF-8 by default, and still read Japanese in the *term.  Of course
if I import Japanese to a mail buffer, XEmacs knows it's Japanese, and
Gnus or VM will send it on as ISO-2022-JP.

Good-BAAAAYE KTerm!  Yahoo!

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