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Re: [tlug] Gentoo install issue...

> an older version of sys-apps/shadow and sys-apps/baselayout is being
> installed. So try installing the latest sys-apps/baselayout manually

just a follow up to this. I manually installed both of these:

emerge sys-apps/shadow sys-apps/baselayout 

and all my issues were solved. I also tried upgrading xfree-4.2.0-r2
and failed getting similar errors as bug #243. So i did two things:

1) rm /usr/portage/distfiles/*

2) rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/

Then tried again. Everything installed fine. I even got my Nvidia TNT
card working with the nvidia driver (media-gfx/nvidia) Now if I
could only get Windowmaker to load instead of twm....


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