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FreeWNN questions

I have built and installed FreeWnn 1.1.1a17.  However, I cannot seem to
communicate with a running server.  I start jserver and get this output:

  [ marc]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/jserver start
  Starting jserver services:  jserver
  Nihongo Multi Client Server (4.20)
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/kihon.dic     Fid = 1
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/setsuji.dic   Fid = 2
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/koyuu.dic     Fid = 3
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/chimei.dic    Fid = 4
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/jinmei.dic    Fid = 5
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/special.dic   Fid = 6
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/computer.dic  Fid = 7
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/symbol.dic    Fid = 8
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/tankan.dic    Fid = 9
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/bio.dic       Fid = 10
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/gerodic/g-jinmei.dic         Fid = 11
  Reading /etc/FreeWnn/ja/dic/pubdic/full.fzk      Fid = 12
  Finished Reading Files

Then I start kinput2:

LANG=ja_JP XMODIFIERS="" kinput2 -xim -wnn -kinput & 

Once I do that, and start a kterm, all I get when starting Japanese input
(shift-space) is a box that says 'roma' in katakana.  It seems to hang the
kterm and kinput2 session at that point.  

Anyone know of this type of problem?  Is there a way to fix it?

Also, in my /etc/passwd file I created the wnn account entry:


For more security, I set the home dir to /dev/null and the shell to
/bin/false.  However, I noticed that at the
wnn account has an entry like this:

  wnn:*:127:0::0:0:I am Wnn:/root:/bin/csh

Could this be causing my problems?  Does FreeWnn need csh as it's shell
and does it need a home directory?


Marc C.

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